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Therapeutic areas

Therapeutic areas & diseases

The medicinal products and nutraceutical products of INBIOTECH are applicable in treatment of multiple therapeutic areas. Most of our products are intended for treatment of socially significant diseases, such as hypertension and heart failure, stomach and duaodenal ulcers, traumas, diseases of the respiratory system, etc.. Other products from our portfolio are intended for prevention and treatment of diseases, which are not socially signficant, but still are reason for deterioration of quality of life of large number of people. 

Socially significant diseases

Socially significant diseases are diseases of modern lifestyle. In the countries around the world nowadays these diseases are caused by abrupt changes in lifestyle, as well as by risk factors, such as stress, smoking, sedentary way of life, and intake of food, which is not healthy, among large groups of people. People who suffer from these diseases, as well as their families, are economically and psychologically burdened. Socially significant diseases often lead to deteriorated optimal execution of daily activities of these people, as well as disability. 

Our mission

We from INBIOTECH strive to provide highly-effective, high-quality, safe and affordable medicinal products and nutraceutical products to patients in Bulgaria, as well as in other countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. We aim to contribute to reducing the number of patients, who suffer from these socially significant diseases. 

In close cooperation with the regulatory bodies in countries from these continents, as well as with medical doctors and pharmacists, our team accomplishes our mission -  our medicinal products and nutraceutical products to reach as much as possible patients in need of them, as well as to support their return to normal healthy and vital life. 

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Here you can learn more about the diseases, which our medicinal products and nutraceutical products cure and affect in the therapeutic areas, in which we are active.
Vestibular disorders

Vestibular disorders

Vestibular disorders

Disorders of the vestibular function include Meniere's disease, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), vestibular neuronitis, other peripheral vertigo, central vertigo, as well as other disorders of the vestibular function.   

Causes for appearance of vestibular disorders 

Some of the causes for appearance of disorders of the vestibular function are angioneurosis, vegetative dystonia, vasomotor disorders, infection and allergy, metabolic disorders, neurotrophic factor, metabolic disorders, endocrine disorders, vitamin deficiency, disturbed water-salt homeostasis,  psychosomatic causes and others. 

Symptoms related to vestibular disorders

Clinical practice of patients suffering from disorder of the vestibular function is characterized with symptoms, such as episodic attacks of systemic labyrinthine vertigo, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, hearing loss, ringing in the affected ear, as well as headache, dizziness, confusion, blurred vision, imbalance and others.

Treatment of disorders of the vestibular function

People sick from vestibular disorders are disable to perform their work activities in period of higher frequency of attacks. Disorders of the vestibular function are treated mostly conservatively. On the other hand, during attack, treatment resorts to drug therapy, which aims to control the attack. For symtomatic treatment anti-vertiginous, antiemetic, sedative or diuretic medicinal products are administered. Diet is of essential significance for the prophylaxis of following attacks. The diet should be strictly salt-free and with limited intake of liquids, alcohol and coffein. Full cessation of cigarettes is necessary for improvement of overall health condition.     

Medicinal products of INBIOTECH for treatment of vestibular disorders

The medicinal product without medical prescription of INBIOTECH for treatment of vestibular disrders is Cinnarizin INBIOTECH. It is applied for control of vestibular symptoms from peripheral origin, as well as from central origin. It is indicated for control of labyrinthine disorders (incl. vertigo, dizziness, ringing in the ears, nystagmus, nausea and vomiting), as well as for prophylaxis of motion sickness and other kinetoses.

Products from therapeutic area Vestibular disorders

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50 tablets

Indicated for control of vestibular symptoms & labyrinthine disorders, as well as for prophylaxis of motion sickness.

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News from therapeutic area Vestibular disorders

National Conference of General Medicine in Plovdiv, Bulgaria

National Conference of General Medicine in Plovdiv, Bulgaria

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