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Therapeutic areas

Therapeutic areas & diseases

The medicinal products and nutraceutical products of INBIOTECH are applicable in treatment of multiple therapeutic areas. Most of our products are intended for treatment of socially significant diseases, such as hypertension and heart failure, stomach and duaodenal ulcers, traumas, diseases of the respiratory system, etc.. Other products from our portfolio are intended for prevention and treatment of diseases, which are not socially signficant, but still are reason for deterioration of quality of life of large number of people. 

Socially significant diseases

Socially significant diseases are diseases of modern lifestyle. In the countries around the world nowadays these diseases are caused by abrupt changes in lifestyle, as well as by risk factors, such as stress, smoking, sedentary way of life, and intake of food, which is not healthy, among large groups of people. People who suffer from these diseases, as well as their families, are economically and psychologically burdened. Socially significant diseases often lead to deteriorated optimal execution of daily activities of these people, as well as disability. 

Our mission

We from INBIOTECH strive to provide highly-effective, high-quality, safe and affordable medicinal products and nutraceutical products to patients in Bulgaria, as well as in other countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. We aim to contribute to reducing the number of patients, who suffer from these socially significant diseases. 

In close cooperation with the regulatory bodies in countries from these continents, as well as with medical doctors and pharmacists, our team accomplishes our mission -  our medicinal products and nutraceutical products to reach as much as possible patients in need of them, as well as to support their return to normal healthy and vital life. 

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Here you can learn more about the diseases, which our medicinal products and nutraceutical products cure and affect in the therapeutic areas, in which we are active.


Gynecologic diseases

Gynecology as medical biological sicence studies structure, functions and diseases of female reproductive system, outside the period of pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding.  

Main goal of gynecology is to find and apply more and more successful methods of maintenance and improvement of reproductive health of females. Another main goal of gynecology is to reveal and remove causes of infertility in women.

Each year the number of women with various gynecological diseases increases, whereas the age limit decreases. Prophylaxis is of essential significance for early diagnostics and more effective treatment of different gynecological diseases. All age groups of women, who have sex, are subject to routine gynecological examinations at least once a year and preferrably every 6 months . 

Menstrual pain

Most of women suffer from menstrual pain. Young women most often suffer from menstrual pain. Menstrual pain is the most common gynecological symptom in these women. Menstrual pain appears in the period of youth after young women begin to have menstruation. 

Menstrual pain is with different intensity, as the most intensive pain appears in the beginnign of menstruation. This pain decreases gradually during the next 2 to 3 days. Normal everyday activity of young women, such as going to school, university or work, can be negatively affected by the appearance of menstrual pain. 

Causes of menstrual pain

Prostaglandins represent substances in female organism, which cause menstrual pain. These substances are released in the uterus of the woman during menstruation. Levels of prostaglandins in some women are higher, than in others. The probability women with higher levels of prostaglandins to suffer from menstrual pain is higher. In menstrual pain prostaglandins contribute to contraction of the muscles of the uterus, which leads to sensation of spasms (menstrual spasms). Menstrual pain is most intensive and with highest frequency in the beginning of menstruation in women, when also the level of prostaglandins is highest. Menstrual pain disappears after a day or two days, when also the level of prostaglandins decreases. 

Types of menstrual pain

Menstrual pain is of two types:

Primary dysmenorrhea: 
This is menstrual pain, which appears in most women during menstrual cycle. This menstrual pain is felt one / two years before menstruation and its intensity decreases with advance of age of the specific woman.   

Secondary dysmenorrhea:
This menstrual pain is felt and is caused, due to problems (e.g. intrauterine adhesions or fibromas) of the reproductive system in women. About 10% of women with menstrual pain suffer from secondary dysmenorrhea. Secondary dysmenorrhea is characterized by trend of appearance in advance in age, whereas it can intensify with further advance in age. This menstrual pain can appear before menstruation, can continue during the whole period of menstruation and even can contine after cessation of menstruation.

Affecting menstrual pain

Every woman can do some of the following actions so as to reduce her menstrual pain:

Stop smoking:
Here is one additional reason for smoking cessation. It is proven that smoking reinforces sensation of menstrual pain;

Eat healthy:
Avoid taking semi-finished products and other processed foods, as well as fat foods. Reduce or best give up intake of coffee and alcohol during menstruation. Emphasize more on taking fruits and vegetables, wholewheat foods, fish (e.g. salmon, sardines and tuna). These types of fish are rich is the omega-3 fatty acid;

Increase physical exercise:
In order to reduce pain, in the period of menstruation walk more and do stretching. Increase these and other physical exercises between menstruations;

If necessary, resort to intake of analgesics:
It is clinically proven that menstraul pain can be significantly reduced after intake of analgesics. The reason for this is that analgesics lower the effects of prostaglandins. Analgesics, which you can get from INBIOTECH are ANGETOP® (with active substance Metamizole sodium) and Paracetamol INBIOTECH (with active substance Paracetamol), as well as BIOLIN® (with active substance Nimesulide), which is also non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). BIOLIN® as a NSAID is more effective, in comparison with the other two anagesics, because it acts on the cause of appearance of menstrual pain. 

Resort to intake of food supplements:
Some food supplements, which can assist natural forces of the organism against sensation of menstrual pain are fish oil, magnesium, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, evening primrose oil, black cohosh, dong quai, Abraham's balm and others.    

Take care of yourself and relax:
Use some well-known techniques for relaxation, such as meditation, yoga, acupuncture, rest at home and outdoors. Additionally, easy methods, such as bottle of water and/or warm compress, also can be effective for menstrual pain relief. You can reduce nausea and swelling by drinking tea of ginger or peppermint. 

Consultation with medical doctor for menstrual pain:
Usually, in most women, menstrual pain disappear up to several days. They represent natural part of life of most women. Consult with medical doctor, in case:

* Your menstrual pain does not decrease during intake of anagesics and cause difficulty to your life;

* Your menstrual pain become more complex with age. Often in such cases menstrual pain is with cause, which is different from your normal menstrual cycle;

Reproductive diseases in females

Reproductive problems in woman are most often related to inflammatory diseases, presence of endometriosis, uterine fibroids and others. Causes are often psychological. Frequent causes are problems with work environment and overall lifestyle. About 200 000 couples in Bulgaria have reproductive problems, whereas about half of them are from the female. It is recommended, usually after 1 year of attempts to conceive, if this is not a fact, to look for opinion of specialist of fight against infertility.     

Nutraceutical products of INBIOTECH for favourable effect of the female reproductive system

Food supplements of INBIOTECH, which possess beneficial effect on reproductive functions in females are LIPONORM® and Vitamin E INBIOTECH, as well as Vitamin C INBIOTECH.

Products from therapeutic area Gynecology

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10 tablets
20 tablets
30 tablets

Indicated for treatment of acute pain & primary dysmenorrhea.

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Metamizole sodium

20 tablets

Indicated for symptomatic treatment of slight-to-moderate acute chronic pain from different origin.

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20 tablets

Indicated for symptomatic response to slight-to-moderate pain & for treatment of high body temperature.

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DL-Alpha-tocopheryl acetate

60 soft-gelatin capsules

Indicated for adults

Strongly contributes to natural defence of cells against oxidative stress and others.

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L-ascorbic acid

40 tablets

Indicated for adults

Benefits functions of the immune system & assists overall resistance of the organism.

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Pure deoiled soya lecithine

50 g granules

Indicated for adults & children above 15 yrears of age

Contributes to maintenance of the lipid balance in the organism.

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News from therapeutic area Gynecology

National Conference of General Medicine in Plovdiv, Bulgaria

National Conference of General Medicine in Plovdiv, Bulgaria

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